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Dr. David B. Fletcher
Biographical Sketch
Dr. David B. Fletcher is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Wheaton College. Born in
Chicago in 1951, Dr. Fletcher is a graduate of Trinity College, Loyola University, and the
University of Illinois, and has been at Wheaton since 1981. He teaches at Wheaton in the
areas of bioethics, applied and social ethics, and ethical theory, and chaired the
philosophy department for three years. He also teaches as Adjunct Professor in the
Bioethics program at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, where he is a Fellow of the
Center for
Bioethics and Human Dignity. and was visiting scholar in Philosophy and Theology at Oxford
University in 1991.
He helped to found the Center for Applied Christian Ethics at Wheaton College and today
chairs its Steering Committee, has served on the
College's Human Subject Review Committee and Animal Use Committee, and serves on the
Ethics Advisory Committee of Central DuPage Health.
He was Vice President of the Illinois Philosophical Association (1997-1999) and serves on
the editorial board of Ethics in Medicine.
Memberships include the American Philosophical Association, the Society of Christian
Philosophers, the Center for Bioethics and Human
Dignity, the Chicago Center for Clinical Ethics, the Illinois Philosophical Association,
the Evangelical Philosophical Society, and
the Hastings Center.
His publications include the books Social and Political Perspectives in the Thought of
Soren Kierkegaard (University Press of America,
1981) and Is There a Right to Health Care? (Center for Applied Christian Ethics Booklets,
Wheaton College, 1991); and "Particular Divine Commands," in Mark Nelson et.
al., eds, Christian Theism and
Moral Philosophy (Mercer University Press, 1998). He authored numerous entries in David J.
Atkinson, David F. Field, Arthur Holmes, and Oliver O'Donovan, eds; New Dictionary of
Christian Ethics and Pastoral Theology (InterVarsity Press, 1995), Daniel Reid, Robert D.
Linder, Bruce L. Shelley, and Harry S. Stout, eds., Dictionary of Christianity in America,
(InterVarsity Press,1990), R. K. Harrison, ed., Nelson Encyclopedia of Biblical and
Christian Ethics (Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 1987), and Walter Elwell, ed., Baker's
Dictionary of Evangelical Theology (Grand Rapids, Baker, 1984). He has
co-authored (with Albert J. Smith), "Abortion and Bioethics," in James
Hoffmeier, ed., Abortion and the Christian (Baker, 1987) and (with Mark R. Elliott),
Christianity and Marxism (Wheaton College, 1987).
Articles include, "Response to Cameron's Bleak Vision of Post-Consensus
Bioethics," Ethics and Medicine, Spring 1995, "More Reading onEuthanasia,"
Discernment 1:3 (Fall 1992):6-7, "The Difference that Family Makes," (On the
Bioethics Front), Second Opinion (April, 1993), "Christian Social Justice and Rawls'
Liberalism," Christian Scholar's Review 19:3 (March 1990):231-242, "Must
Wolterstorff Sell His House?" Faith and Philosophy 4(2) (April, 1987): 187-197, and
"Is There a Right to Health Care?" Christian
Scholar's Review 16(3) (March, 1987): 283-299. He has been interviewed for articles in
U.S. News and World Report, the Chicago Tribune, and the Chicago Sun-Times, and has
participated in a panel discussion on Cloning on cable television(MediaOne).
Dr. Fletcher has interest in liturgy, liturgical theology, and church history, and has
taught on such subjects for the Episcopal Diocese of
Chicago. He lives in Wheaton with his wife Joyce, a counselor at College of DuPage, and
their 12 year old son Andrew.