Here are some photos of our Fall 1999 Reception!
The Food!
Last Discussion of the Semester!
Psycho with a plastic knife cuts cake...
This is precisely why you should not eat large amounts of sugar and drink coffee and Mango punch during Finals Week! Look what happend to a bunch of ordinarily "normal" people...I wish I could explain some of these... I guess you had to be there! CONGRATULATIONS AND FAREWELL FOR NOW!!! SEE EVERYONE IN THE SPRING!!!
Web page design and maintainance by Sharon Ainsley. Send e-mail to with questions or comments about this organization. Copyright © 1999-2001 SPECTRUM Philosophy Club. Title Artwork was very generously created for us by Rob Carlos III at, and is copyrighted to him. No unauthorized duplication or reproduction is permitted. Last Updated: 12/13/99 01:45 AM |