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S.P.E.C.T.R.U.M. was founded in 1999 by Sharon Ainsley with the help of Samantha Goodwin, both students at Valencia Community College East. After organizing and planning for two semesters, an advisor was finally decided upon, and Doctor Miller joined the team.

Documentation was submitted to the campus in July of 1999.

Approval was given in August 1999.

The rest is history.

The idea behind the vision was to establish a place where students could gather to discuss philosophical issues without fear of ridicule or lack of acceptance. The principles upon which the group was founded were those of critical thinking, emotional and social intelligence, respect of diversity, humanism, self evolution, transformation and improvement, and seeking of wisdom. Largely influenced by the teachings incorporated into the Student Success courses as well as other factors, the added focus of lifelong learning through self realization has become key to the purpose of the group. It is the underlying belief of the founders of this organization that knowledge is a vital commodity throughout the course of life. We seek to share and expand these principles through our organization as a means to improve ourselves, our college, and our community.


The faculty at the college has been very supportive, and I would like to extend my sincere personal thanks to several people who have helped along the way, inspired, challenged, and supported our vision to make this club a reality.

Doctor Miller, Science Professor, our club advisor, and an exceptional woman without whom we would not have been able to get this project off the ground.

Elaine Gray, SLS professor and an inspirational human being, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for her encouragement and support. So much of what I have learned about group interaction and positive dialogue has been from her example.

Edward Conklin, Religion and Philosophy Professor who was among one of the first people we had the guts to bring this idea to for evaluation. He has supported and encouraged us from the very beginning.

Marc Crain, Political Science Professor and remarkable man, who I must thank for challenging me to re-examine politics and society, and giving me the opportunity to learn without having my views put down.

Steven Cottrell, Science Professor, who had the patience and tolerance for a good many group philosophical discussions during a good many cigarette breaks and provided encouragement for us to get the club started.

Mike Bosley, Director of Student Development and SLS Professor, who supported and assisted in all the preparations, paperwork and other organizational tasks and trusted us enough to approve the club.

Clay Holliday, English and Film Professor, who has taken part in many of our events, allowed himself to be publicly humiliated in a dunk tank this past February, and is coming on as an advisor for the club this Fall.

Shawn Robinson, Mathematics Professor and PTK Advisor, who has assisted us with the processes and principles of running a successful campus organization and offered support and encouragement for all our endeavors.

Philip Bishop, Humanities Professor, who has challenged me to search myself and strive for higher things and "unlimited understanding."


~Sharon (Founder and Chief Coordinator)

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Web page design and maintainance by Sharon Ainsley. Send e-mail to ainsoph13@netscape.net with questions or comments about this organization. Copyright © 1999-2001 SPECTRUM Philosophy Club. Title Artwork was very generously created for us by Rob Carlos III at www.colorsmith.com, and is copyrighted to him. No unauthorized duplication or reproduction is permitted.

Last Updated: 02/26/01 02:53 PM