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Web Changes and Other Updates

This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first. Don't, however, expect this to be very promptly updated, since Sharon is lazy sometimes and does not always get around to doing the updates!

February 2001
The club continues going strong, and very little has been done as far as updates here aside from photo uploads. The online discussion forum is being revamped to be more accessible to our members and outside visitors, so be sure to watch for that. We are currently preparing for the 'changing of the guard' and I am pleased to announce that my position of chief coordinator will be passed to current co-coordinator Brett Pribble, and there will be new appointments for officer positions under his leadership beginning in Summer, 2001. I will, of course, continue to maintain the public website and offer my support.
August 2000
The Fall 2000 Calendar has been put into place and the changes are being made to the Coordinator Listing to reflect our most recent additions to the administrative body, Brett Pribble as our New Activities Coordinator. This session markes the beginning of a new academic calendar, with a new co-advisor, several new officers, and new goals in sight for our group. A new interactive calendar is in the works.
May 2000
Yes, we have been updating all along, but I have neglected to include the info here. **My bad!** New project underway for Summer 2000: "FULL SPECTRUM" (newsletter) to begin publication this term! Stop by our meetings or contact Sharon or Jean for more details.
September 4, 1999
Rob has done it again! If you check out the PHOTOS page, you will notice that several graphical representations of both Jean and Myself have been added. Rob has been gracious enough to take the time to create these works for use here, and a sincere thanks goes out once again to him for all his help!
September 2, 1999
We have added a special area to the site, and will be incorporating this premise into all we do as an organization. You will notice that there is now a link to "Special Offers" on the sidebar... What this links to is an area where members or faculty supporters can advertise their offerings (books, events, etc) here through the SPECTRUM Club. If you have anything to add, please notify SHARON!
August 27, 1999
I have the pleasure of adding a new title graphic to the site, created for us personally by Rob (a dear friend and Jean's fiance'). THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! I encourage everyone to check out Rob's website at www.colorsmith.com. He has TONS of outstanding graphical work out there, and is a very talented artist!
August 24, 1999
The site is now up and operational!!! The E-List has been established and the web board is ready to go! Anyone with an inclination can jump on into either one (or both). Please let me know if you find anything that does not work properly.
August 16, 1999
Further updates to the site have been made. It will be ready to go online within the week. An e-list is being organized, and much of the design is being worked on.
August 13, 1999
The addition of a web board application is in the works so that we might have an ongoing discuccion area in which campus members as well as cyber members can communicate 24 hours a day on any number of different topics.
August 11, 1999
Website Creation begins! In trying to incorporate as much of the basic underlying principles and information as possible, we are hoping to have this site up and running by the start of the Fall Session.


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Web page design and maintainance by Sharon Ainsley. Send e-mail to ainsoph13@netscape.net with questions or comments about this organization. Copyright © 1999-2001 SPECTRUM Philosophy Club. Title Artwork was very generously created for us by Rob Carlos III at www.colorsmith.com, and is copyrighted to him. No unauthorized duplication or reproduction is permitted.

Last Updated: 02/26/01 02:59 PM